Hello everyone. (I'm New) (go back »)

October 24 2009, 9:46 AM

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Hi everyone! So, I just noticed I've been a member on here for some quite a while, but NEVER logged in. Weird! I've been real busy and times were slipping by which made me forget that I'm a registered member on this thing.


Anyways, let's get started. My name's DJ. People call me DD, but I prefer to stick with DJ. I am actually deaf and hard of hearing. Therefor, I wear a hearing aid in one ear for now-(I need two). YES, I can speak perfectly fine! took speech classes all my life, but one thing I can tell you though is that, I cannot scream anymore-(I lost that part of my voice which is sad!). I may look like a pretty healthy normal kid, but I cannot hear all the small things people take for granted =(. I do speak three different languages. One is, ASL-(American Sign Language)<--That's my home, Two is English of course and third is German-(Not fully just yet, but learning!). I am very patriotic. I LOVE AMERICA =] . I love practicing Muay Thai to learn to defend myself and hanging out with my close friends and family. I love going to Punk Rock and Skinhead Reggae/Ska/Oi!/ORIGINAL Hardcore shows! Mosh pit is fun, but while you're at a hardcore show, It gets ridiculous. I work, go to college and model at the same time. I made first cut onto America's Next Top Model(Cycle 13) show in 2008, but those days are over now. Just something I am proud of and still continuing down the same path. It's my passion. I am a very unique type of girl who is very outgoing and understanding. I am caring and loving, but... when someone starts to walk all over me...you're just asking to get dome checked in the face =] Anything else? Ask.!

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  • 23 years old


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